Staghorn Sumac

(Rhus typhina)

Other Names:


Anacardiaceae - The Cashew or Sumac Family

Growth Type:
A deciduous perennial shrub or small tree

Growing to approximately 16 ft tall and 20 ft wide

It has alternate, pinnately compound leaves 10 – 22 in long. Each compound leaf has from 9 - 31 serrate leaflets each about 2 - 4 in long. The leaf petioles and the stems are densely covered in rust-colored hairs.

The velvety texture and the forking pattern of the branches, reminiscent of antlers, have led to the common name "stag's horn sumac".


Flower Season:
May to July

Flower Appearance:
Conelike flower heads, consisting of thousands of tiny greenish or greenish-yellow flowers, grow at the tops of the branches.

The fruit is one of the most identifiable characteristics, forming dense clusters of small red drupes at the tips of the branches. Individual drupes are covered in velvety hairs, and are dry and unpalatable. Each fruit cluster is conical in shape and is approximately 4 – 8 in long and 2 – 3 in wide at the base, and tapering to a point. The fruit has been known to last through winter and into spring.

Miscellaneous characteristics:
This plant grows in large dense clusters of either male or female plants, spreading by either seed or rhizome. It grows aggressively, forming large groves which have the oldest plants in the center, with the plants becoming younger as you move outward. The plant flowers in late spring, and the fruit begins to ripen in early summer through early autumn. In the Autumn, the foliage turns brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow. Staghorn sumac is not closely related to Poison Sumac (Toxicodendron vernix).

Dry forest edges, roadsides, and waste areas

Parts Used:
Leaves, berries, bark, root

Culinary Uses:
A wonderfully delicious "pink lemonade" can be made from the berries. See recipe below.

The following text is meant for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. Always consult with a physician or other qualified medical care provider concerning the diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury.

Traditional Medicinal Uses:
The leaves can be dried and smoked as a treatment for asthma. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but it works quite well to alleviate the thick mucus associated with asthma and colds. A drink made from the berries has been known to quite persistent coughs. After boiling the fruit in a sugar simple syrup for 10 minutes, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth or fine sieve to make a wonderfully effective cough syrup. Leaf tea to treat asthma, colds, and upper respiratory disorders. Bark tea to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and fevers. Root tea emetic, diuretic. Alcohol extracts, or tinctures, of the bark have been shown to be highly effective antiseptic.

Cautions According To WebMD

None Known

Possible Side Effects:
None Known

Possible Interactions:
None Known

Medicinal Actions:
Antidiarrheal, Antiseptic, Antitussive, Astringent, Diuretic, Emetic, Tonic - Lung

Herbal Preparations For Rhus typhina


Part Used: Leaves or bark
Plant State: Fresh or dried
Place 2 tsp of fresh, or 1 tsp of dried, chopped leaves or bark in a large mug. Pour almost boiling water over the leaves. Steep for 20 minutes. Strain to remove sediment.
Dosage: Drink as needed

Strong Decoction

Part Used: Bark
Plant State: Fresh or Dried
Place 2 ounces of fresh, or 1 ounce of dried bark into a pan. Add 1 quart of water, and bring to a boil. Continue to boil over medium heat, stirring periodically, until reduced by half. Cool the mixture, and strain and drink.
Dosage: 2-4 oz up to four times daily as needed

Standard Infusion

Part Used: Whole ripe torch berries
Plant State: Fresh
Gather the torch shaped fruit clusters after they have ripened in early autumn. Make sure to gather the berries prior to the heavy rains of late Autumn wash out the oxcylic acid which gives the fruit their tart taste. To make your delicious and healthful infusion, begin by chopping 2 ounces of the fruit. Now place it into a quart mason jar, and fill the jar with almost boiling water. Cover the jar, place it in a sunny location, and let it sit for 8 to 10 hours. If refrigerated, the infusion will last a couple of days.
Dosage: Enjoy As Needed

Cold Infusion (Pink Lemonade)

Part Used: Whole ripe torch berries
Plant State: Fresh
Gather enough of the torch shaped fruit clusters to fill your container 3/4 full. Make sure to gather the fruit in the early fall, after it has ripened. Make sure to gather the fruit prior to the heavy rains of late Autumn, as these rains will wash out the oxcylic acid which gives the fruit their tart taste. These rains will also release large amounts of tannic acid which will cause your preparations to be quite bitter.

Rub the fruit clusters through your hands to slightly bruise them, and then place them in a large pail or bucket, and then cover the fruit with water. Lightly cover the bucket, and place in the sun for a couple of days. After the fruit has soaked for 2 - 3 days, pick out the fruit clusters, and strain the remaining liquid through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Sweeten the strained liquid to taste with sugar, and enjoy this healthful, delicious, drink.

Store the remaining "pink lemonade" in the refrigerator. You can make a quick drink by bruising the fruit, and soaking for 15 minutes in cold water. I find this to be a bit weak. I suggest the longer soaking method, as your patience will be rewarded.
Dosage: Enjoy As Needed


Part Used: Bark
Plant State: Fresh
Alcohol Percentage: 50%
Plant to Alcohol Ratio: 1:2
Label a quart mason jar with the plant name, the part of the plant used, the percentage of alcohol used, and the date the tincture was started.

Fill the jar to the neck with chopped fresh bark, then pour in a bottle of 100 proof vodka, or 500 ml of 150 proof Everclear and 250 ml of water. Next pour the contents of the jar into a blender and blend until all of the plant material is thoroughly chopped into fine pieces and incorporated into the menstrum. This will increase the surface area and provide better leaching of the plant constituents. As a matter of fact, this method works so well that, if necessary, the tincture can be used in as little as 7 days. Now pour the contents of the blender back into the jar, being careful to scrape every last bit of goodness from the blender. Place a lid on the mason jar, shake well, and store the jar in a dark cupboard. Once a day for the first 7 days, take the jar out of the cupboard and shake it well. Place the jar back into the cupboard, and leave it soak for another 3 weeks. After the tincture has soaked for 30 days, remove it from the cupboard, strain out the spent bark, and you should have 24-25 ounces of healthful tincture. This 1:2 tincture will remain viable for 2-3 years.
Dosage: 20-40 drops Three Times Daily

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