Western allopathic medicine and traditional plant-based medicine are fundamentally different. Western medicine uses chemically derived drugs to cause the body to act in a certain manner. Conversely, traditional plant-based medicines provide natural phytochemicals which support your body's innate ability to heal itself.

If there is not a recognized study demonstrating the efficacy of a treatment, western medicine does not consider it to be a viable treatment. I believe wholeheartedly in science. Because of my background in science, I understand the limitations of science. I understand that the vast majority of American clinical trials and medical studies are funded by pharmaceutical companies. These companies cannot patent a plant, so they are not going to spend the considerable amount of money required to conduct and publish studies on plants. This does not mean plants do not work. In fact, there are myriad studies performed worldwide which demonstrate the efficacy of plants. Most of these plants cause few if any unwanted side effects or drug interactions. However, in my opinion, due to the hubris of the AMA, these studies are not recognized.

Most people would agree that healthcare in the United States is broken. I believe we can improve the health of our country and reduce the cost of healthcare by using western medicine and traditional plant-based medicine in a two-pronged approach. Most common ailments can be cured using traditional plant-based medicines. This fact has been proven through tens of thousands of years of historical evidence, and new scientific clinical data. Across the world, there have been thousands of scientific studies and clinical trials which have proven the efficacy of botanical medicines. We can lessen the burden on our hospitals and doctors by turning to them only when and if plant based medicines have failed.

Whether you want to become an herbalist, or you just want to know how to heal those you love, the information presented on this website, or during our in person classes, will help guide you along your path.

Learning To Use Plants As Medicine


A list of common medicinal actions and the plants which supply those actions... (Learn more)


A list of common ailments and the plants that can be used to support your body while it heals itself... (Learn more)


A list of herbal medicines and the steps necessaary to create them for yourself... (Learn more)


These are some of my favorite herbal recipes... (Learn more)