Spring Beauty(Claytonia virginica)
Other Names:
Virginia springbeauty, eastern spring beauty, fairy spud
Portulacaceae - Purslane Family
Growth Type:
Herbaceous Perennial
About 2-8 inches long
The leaves are slender lanceolate, 1 - 5½ inch long and ¼ - ½ inch wide, with a 2½ - 8 inch long petiole. They are arranged alternately.
Slim erect stem
Fleshy potato like tuber
Flower Season:
March to May
Flower Appearance:
The flowers are ¼ - ½ inch in diameter, with five pale pink or white (although rarely yellow) petals.
Seed capsule with multiple seeds
Miscellaneous characteristics:
Moist woods and clearings
Parts Used:
Whole plant
Culinary Uses:
The leaves can be eaten as a trail nibble, added to salads, or used as a cooked green. The roots are rich in starch, and can be eaten raw, or cooked. When raw the taste is described as radish like, while when cooked, they are slightly nutty.
The following text is meant for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. Always consult with a physician or other qualified medical care provider concerning the diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury.
Traditional Medicinal Uses:
A decoction of the roots has been used to treat convulsions. Eating the raw plant will supposedly permanently prevent conception, although I would not recommend this course of action.
Cautions According To WebMD
None Known
Possible Side Effects:
None Known
Possible Interactions:
None Known
Herbal Preparations For Claytonia virginica
Strong Decoction
Part Used: Roots
Plant State: Fresh
Place 2 ounces of fresh chopped roots into a pan. Add 1 quart of water, and bring to a boil. Continue to boil over medium heat, stirring periodically, until reduced by half. Cool the mixture, and strain and drink.
Dosage: 1-4 oz up to 3 times daily as needed
Part Used: Roots
Plant State: Fresh
Alcohol Percentage: 50%
Plant to Alcohol Ratio: 1:2
Label a quart mason jar with the plant name, the part of the plant used, the percentage of alcohol used, and the date the tincture was started.
Fill the jar to the neck with chopped fresh roots, then pour in 750 ml of 100 proof vodka, or 500 ml of 150 proof Everclear and 250 ml of water. Next pour the contents of the jar into a blender and blend until all of the plant material is thoroughly chopped into fine pieces and incorporated into the menstrum. This will increase the surface area and provide better leaching of the plant constituents. As a matter of fact, this method works so well that, if necessary, the tincture can be used in as little as 7 days. Now pour the contents of the blender back into the jar, being careful to scrape every last bit of goodness from the blender. Place a lid on the mason jar, shake it well, and place the jar in a dark cupboard. Once a day for the first 7 days, take the jar out of the cupboard and shake it well. Place the jar back into the cupboard, and leave it soak for another 3 weeks. After the tincture has soaked for 30 days, remove it from the cupboard and strain out the spent plant material. Your tincture will remain viable for 2-3 years.
Dosage: 30-45 drops up to 3 times daily as needed