Red Clover)
(Trifolium pratense)
Non-native plant which has become naturalized over most of its range.
Other Names:
None Known
Range: Non native
Fabaceae - Pea or Legume Family
Growth Type:
Herbaceous perennial
Up to 30 inches tall
Alternate, trifoliate (meaning 3 leaved), serrated margins, dark green on top, and pale green underside. The top of the leaves display a characteristic light colored chevron.
Single or branched herbaceous stem
Flower Season:
Flower Appearance:
Dark pink inflorescence (flower head) with a paler base
Dry fruit that does not split open when ripe.
Miscellaneous characteristics:
Unlike other members of the Trifolium genus, T pratense is particularly short lived.
Sunny locations such as lawns, fields, and gardens
Parts Used:
Flower heads
Culinary Uses:
The flowers are brewed into a sweet tasting, healthful tea
The following text is meant for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. Always consult with a physician or other qualified medical care provider concerning the diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury.
Taste: Bitter
Thermal: Cooling
Humidity: Drying
Traditional Medicinal Uses:
T. pretense has been used to treat coughs, the symptoms of menopause, disorders of the lymphatic system and a variety of cancers. According to WebMD, care should be taken when using red clover medicinally, as dietary amounts of red clover are safe, but medicinal quantities may cause rash-like reactions, muscle ache, headache, nausea, vaginal bleeding in women, and slow blood clotting. This may be due to the fact that red clover conntains coumestrol, a phytoestrogen.
A recent study has found that due to its activity on estrogen receptors, red clover is contraindicated in people with a history of breast cancer, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, uterine fibroids or other estrogen-sensitive conditions. However, other published studies have suggested the high isoflavone content counteracts this, and even provides benefits in these conditions.
As is usually the case, we must each make our own choices when it comes to using herbal medicines. For my two cents, I believe the problem come when we try synthesizing and administering the supposed active ingredients, rather than using them as a whole from the plant. I believe, and again this is just my belief, in most cases the entire phytochemical makeup of the plant buffers most adverse side effects.
Due to its coumarin derivatives, T. pratense should be used in caution in individuals with coagulation disorders or currently undergoing anticoagulation therapy.
Cautions According To WebMD
None Known
Possible Side Effects:
None Known
Possible Interactions:
None Known
Medicinal Actions:
Herbal Preparations For Trifolium pratense
Strong Decoction
Part Used: Flowering plant
Plant State: Fresh
Place 2 ounces of fresh plant into a pan. Add 1 quart of water, and bring to a boil. Continue to boil over medium heat, stirring periodically, until reduced by half. Cool the mixture, and strain and drink.
Dosage: 4-6 oz up to four times daily as needed
Part Used: Flowering plant
Plant State: Fresh
Place 2 ounces of the fresh chopped plant material into a quart mason jar, and fill the jar with almost boiling water. Cover the jar, place it in a sunny location, and let it sit for 8 to 10 hours. If refrigerated, the infusion will last a couple of days.
Dosage: 4-6 oz up to four times daily as needed