Honey Mushroom
(Armillaria mellea)
Other Names:
Bootstrap, Honey mushroom, Stumper
Tricholomataceae – Tricholoma family
Growth Type:
These mushrooms are generally referred to as honey mushrooms because of their yellow-brown caps. The center of the caps often will have dark scales radiating outward.
Cap size from 1"-6" in diameter.
The gills are attached, and may extend slightly down the stalk. The gills are narrow and whitish in color. They can often be stained yellow to reddish.
2-6" long, up to 3/4" thick. The fibrous stem is whitish in color but can discolor to a yellowish or brown. They can be hollow.
7-10 x 5-6 µ; elliptical, smooth, colorless, nonamyloid
Spore Print:
10-16" (25-45 cm ) wide
Miscellaneous characteristics:
Autumn into early winter
Clustered at bases and near stumps of trees; typically oaks, but can grow on other species.
Parts Used:
Above ground fruiting body.
While this mushroom is considered choice, it does contain toxic elements that are destroyed with cooking. It can therefor only be eaten after it has been thoroughly cooked.
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms Description:
Yellow-brown, sticky cap with erect black hairs over center, discoloring whitish gills and stalk with white to cream ring; on wood.
Cap: 1-4" (2.4-10 cm) wide; oval becoming convex to nearly flat; sticky to dry; yellow to rust-brown, often with blackish, erect, hair-like scales.
Gills: Attached or slightly descending stalk, nearly distant, narrow; whitish, staining yellow to reddish.
Stalk: 2-6" (5-15 cm) long, 1/4-3/4" (0.5-2 cm) thick; fibrous, whitish, discoloring yellowish to rust-brown; stuffed to hollow.
Veil: Partial veil, leaving membranous, usually persistent ring on upper stalk.
Spores: 7-10 x 5-6 µ; elliptical, smooth, colorless, nonamyloid.
Spore Print: White.
Culinary Uses:
This mushroom is one of my favorite edible. I consider it choice. This mushroom must be cooked before it is edible. Come people have reported gastric upset after eating this mushroom. While this has usually been found in specimens found in the British isles, it is a wise idea to try a small amount to see if you have any reaction. When trying this mushroom for the first time, you should refrain from alcohol within 12 hours before eating, and 12 hours after eating. Alcohol has been shown to increase possible gastric upset in some people.
The following text is meant for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. Always consult with a physician or other qualified medical care provider concerning the diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury.
Traditional Medicinal Uses:
None known.
Medicinal Actions:
None known