Solomon's Seal

(Polygonatum biflorum)

Other Names:
King Solomon's Seal


Liliaceae – Lily family

Growth Type:
Perennial, herbaceous

Up to 3ft long

Alternate, parallel veined

Single stem, slender, gently bent

Rootstock stout, whitish with large circular "seals"

Flower Season:
April to June

Flower Appearance:
Drooping, whitish to yellowish-green, tubular or bell-like, 6 petaled, borne from a branched peduncle at each leaf stalk.

Bluish to black non-edible

Miscellaneous characteristics:
False Solomon's Seal Maianthemum racemosum appears similar at first glance, but upon closer inspection the differences are glaringly obvious. The flowers of False Solomon's Seal are borne in an umbel at the end of the stem, rather than at each leaf stalk like those of Solomon's Seal. The berries are speckled with gold at first, but ripen to a ruby-red. The rootstock of M. racemosum has circular "seals" like P. biflorum, but they are slender and yellowish in color.

When young, the stems of M. racemosum are considered edible, although I do not find them very appealing.

Rich woods

Parts Used:
Food: Young sprout, rootstock Medicinal: Rootstock.

Culinary Uses:
Young shoots can be added to salads, or cooked and eaten as an asparagus substitute. The starchy rootstock can be eaten as a potato substitute.

The following text is meant for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. Always consult with a physician or other qualified medical care provider concerning the diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury.

Traditional Medicinal Uses:
This plant has been shown to be effective at treating indigestion, arthritis, cuts, bruises, sores, and lung ailments. It is said to also be effective at treating skin irritations.

Cautions According To WebMD

None Known

Possible Side Effects:
None Known

Possible Interactions:
None Known

Medicinal Actions:
Anticatarrhal, Antitussive, Demulcent, Emollient, Expectorant

Herbal Preparations For Polygonatum biflorum

Strong Decoction

Part Used: Rhizome/Rootstock
Plant State: Fresh
Place 2 ounces of fresh rootstock into a pan. Add 1 quart of water, and bring to a boil. Continue to boil over medium heat, stirring periodically, until reduced by half. Cool the mixture, and strain and drink.
Dosage: 2-4 oz up to four times daily as needed


Part Used: Rhizome/Rootstock
Plant State: Fresh
Alcohol Percentage: 50%
Plant to Alcohol Ratio: 1:2
Label a quart mason jar with the plant name, the part of the plant used, the percentage of alcohol used, and the date the tincture was started.

Fill the jar to the neck with chopped fresh rootstock, then pour in 750 ml of 100 proof vodka, or 500 ml of 150 proof Everclear and 250 ml of water. Next pour the contents of the jar into a blender and blend until all of the plant material is thoroughly chopped into fine pieces and incorporated into the menstrum. This will increase the surface area and provide better leaching of the plant constituents. As a matter of fact, this method works so well that, if necessary, the tincture can be used in as little as 7 days. Now pour the contents of the blender back into the jar, being careful to scrape every last bit of goodness from the blender. Place a lid on the mason jar, shake it well, and place the jar in a dark cupboard. Once a day for the first 7 days, take the jar out of the cupboard and shake it well. Place the jar back into the cupboard, and leave it soak for another 3 weeks. After the tincture has soaked for 30 days, remove it from the cupboard and strain out the spent plant material. Your tincture will remain viable for 2-3 years.
Dosage: 30-60 drops up to 3 times daily


Part Used: Rhizome/Rootstock
Plant State: Dried
Alcohol Percentage: 50%
Plant to Alcohol Ratio: 1:5
Label a quart mason jar with the plant name, the part of the plant used, the percentage of alcohol used, and the date the tincture was started.

Place 150 grams of dried plant rootstock into a quart mason jar. Now pour in 750 ml of 100 proof vodka, or 500 ml of 150 proof Everclear and 250 ml of water. Next pour the contents of the jar into a blender and blend until all of the plant material is thoroughly chopped into fine pieces and incorporated into the menstrum. This will increase the surface area and provide better leaching of the plant constituents. As a matter of fact, this method works so well that, if necessary, the tincture can be used in as little as 7 days. Now pour the contents of the blender back into the jar, being careful to scrape every last bit of goodness from the blender. Place a lid on the mason jar, shake it well, and place the jar in a dark cupboard. Once a day for the first 7 days, take the jar out of the cupboard and shake it well. Place the jar back into the cupboard, and leave it soak for another 3 weeks. After the tincture has soaked for 30 days, remove it from the cupboard and strain out the spent plant material. Your tincture will remain viable for 2-3 years.
Dosage: 30-60 drops up to 3 times daily

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