
(Tragopogon spp.)

Other Names:
Goat's beard, Oyster plant


Asteraceae – Daisy family

Growth Type:
This herbaceous biennial begins in early spring as a basal rosette.

Salsify typically reaches a height of 8-24 inches, but may attain 3 feet or more.

This herbaceous biennial begins in early spring as a basal rosette with thick, parallel veined, grass like leaves that may reach up to 1' in length.

Later in spring, a smooth upright stem with alternate thin grass like, light green, leaves appear. The leaves clasp the stem, which contains milky juice.

Long taproot

Flower Season:

Flower Appearance:
In the spring a single, giant, yellow or purple dandelion like flower tops the stem. Below the flower are approximately 8 lance shaped bracts. The blossom opens in the morning, and closes by midday.

After fertilization, the bracts droop, like a goats beard, and the flower becomes a globe shaped seed ball, like that of dandelion, only much larger.

Miscellaneous characteristics:

Waste Areas, Roadsides

Parts Used:
Young Leaves, Crowns, Root

Culinary Uses:
The young basal rosette leaves, and crowns, can be added to salads, or as a trail nibble, or as a cooked vegetable. The root can be boiled, and eaten as a root vegetable. The leaves and root have a mildly bitter, oyster-like flavor, hence the common name oyster plant. The root is also supposed to be able to be roasted, and ground for a coffee substitute, although I have never tried this.

The following text is meant for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. Always consult with a physician or other qualified medical care provider concerning the diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury.

Traditional Medicinal Uses:
None known

Cautions According To WebMD

None Known

Possible Side Effects:
None Known

Possible Interactions:
None Known

Medicinal Actions:

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