(Cichorium intybus)
Other Names:
Asteraceae - Aster Family
Growth Type:
Tall,hearty, herbaceous perennial
Up to 4 feet tall
Leaves forming a basal rosette. The 4" - 6" leaves are Deeply toothed, with a prominent midrib and or leaf stalks which are often reddish. Most of the leaves have irregular hairs on them. In early spring Chicory closely resembles dandelion and wild lettuce. The teeth of the leaves are not opposite like they are in dandelions. Once the flower stem appears, any resemblance to either is quickly lost. Dandelion leaves are also hairless.
Stiff erect nearly naked stems with strikingly blue stalkless flowers
White fleshy taproot
Flower Season:
Late spring through summer
Flower Appearance:
Stalkless blue rays approximately 1-1/2 in in diameter. Flowers can sometimes be white. The petals are square tipped and fringed. The flowers close by afternoon, or when cloudy.
Miscellaneous characteristics:
Chicory has no toxic look alikes
Disturbed Areas, Roadsides, and Fields
Parts Used:
Young Leaves before flower stalks appear, Flowers, Taproot
Culinary Uses:
High in vitamins A, B, C, K, & P as well as minerals calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium, the young leaves are wonderful in salads. Most people find the older leaves too bitter to eat. I do however, like to add small amounts to salads, as I find the bitterness a nice addition to normally bland salad greens. The older leaves can be made more palatable by boiling them in a couple changes of water. The taproot is much too fibrous to eat, but it can be roasted, and ground to make a very good coffee substitute. As a matter of fact, Chicory is added to many commercial coffees as an agent to cut bitterness. Use ground chicory in a coffee maker just like your normal coffee. The resulting brew tastes quite a bit like coffee but it is much more smooth. It also lacks the caffeine which can make you jittery.
The following text is meant for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. Always consult with a physician or other qualified medical care provider concerning the diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury.
Taste: Bitter
Thermal: Cooling
Humidity: Drying
Traditional Medicinal Uses:
Add 1 ounce of root to 1 ounce of water is used as a diuretic, or laxative. Also used to treat jaundice, skin eruptions, and fevers. Lowers blood sugar, slightly sedative, and mildly laxative. Leaf extracts are weaker than root extracts.
Cautions According To WebMD
None Known
Possible Side Effects:
None Known
Possible Interactions:
None Known
Medicinal Actions:
Herbal Preparations For Cichorium intybus
Strong Decoction
Part Used: Root/Rhizome
Plant State: Fresh or Dried
Place 2 ounces of fresh, or 1 ounce of dried plant into a pan. Add 1 quart of water, and bring to a boil. Continue to boil over medium heat, stirring periodically, until reduced by half. Cool the mixture, and strain and drink.
Dosage: 2-4 oz up to four times daily as needed
Part Used: Root/Rhizome
Plant State: Fresh
Alcohol Percentage: 60%
Plant to Alcohol Ratio: 1:2
Label a quart mason jar with the plant name, the part of the plant used, the percentage of alcohol used, and the date the tincture was started.
Fill the jar to the neck with chopped fresh leaves, then pour in 600 ml of 150 proof Everclear and 150 ml of water. Place a lid on the mason jar, shake it well, and place the jar in a dark cupboard. Once a day for the first 7 days, take the jar out of the cupboard and shake it well. Place the jar back into the cupboard, and leave it soak for another 3 weeks. After the tincture has soaked for 30 days, remove it from the cupboard and strain out the spent plant material. Your tincture will remain viable for 2-3 years.
Dosage: 40 - 80 drops up to three times daily
Part Used: Root/Rhizome
Plant State: Dried
Alcohol Percentage: 50%
Plant to Alcohol Ratio: 1:5
Label a quart mason jar with the plant name, the part of the plant used, the percentage of alcohol used, and the date the tincture was started.
Place 150 grams of dried plant material into a quart mason jar. Now pour in 750 ml of 100 proof vodka, or 500 ml of 150 proof Everclear and 250 ml of water. Place a lid on the mason jar, shake it well, and place the jar in a dark cupboard. Once a day for the first 7 days, take the jar out of the cupboard and shake it well. Place the jar back into the cupboard, and leave it soak for another 3 weeks. After the tincture has soaked for 30 days, remove it from the cupboard and strain out the spent plant material. Your tincture will remain viable for 2-3 years.
Dosage: 40 - 80 drops up to three times daily