
(Asparagus officinalis)

Other Names:
Garden asparagus, sparrow graww


Asparagaceae - Asparagus Family

Growth Type:
Herbaceous perennial

Can grow to 5 feet tall.

The leaves are actually leaf scales along the stems. What appear to be the leaves of the older plant are in fact multi branched modified stems approximately 1¼ inch long and 1/32 inch wide. These 'false leaves' are clustered together in groups of as many as 15, and they grow from the axils of the actual leaf scales.

Stems are stout and branching in the older plant. The young shoots are harvested before the bud starts to open, typically when less than 1 foot tall. After the buds open the stems become too fibrous to eat.

The root is referred to as a crown.

Flower Appearance:
The greenish-white to yellowish bell shaped flowers are approximately ¼ inch long, with six tepals partially fused together at the base. They grow singly or in clusters of two or three at branches.

The toxic fruit is a red berry approximately ¼ inch in diameter.

Miscellaneous characteristics:

Asparagus prefers full sun and disturbed soils. It can be found along ditches, on abandoned homesteads, and along forest margins.

Parts Used:
Young shoots

Culinary Uses:
The young shoots can be eaten raw, or as a cooked vegetable. Older stems may be peeled to remove the fibrous outer layer, and cooked.

The following text is meant for informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or injury. Always consult with a physician or other qualified medical care provider concerning the diagnosis and treatment of any illness or injury.

Taste: Sweet
Thermal: Cooling
Humidity: Moistening

Traditional Medicinal Uses:
Treats Cancer, Carcinoma
A volume diuretic for anabolic individuals with chronic hyperacidic urine and high specific gravity. Use to increase urine output for the treatment of edema and gravel. Effectively treats autoimmune disorders like crohn's disease, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc., by modulating the immune system. A russian study demonstrated that I. obiquus efectively cured psoriasis. May be effective in the treatment of congestive heart failure. May help slow or stop the growth of cancerous tumors. As demostrated by Wang et al., (2012) that A. officinalis saponins (SSA) inhibit the viability of various cancer cells including breast, colon, and pancreatic.

Cautions According To WebMD

None Known

Possible Side Effects:
None Known

Possible Interactions:
None Known

Medicinal Actions:
Analgesic, Antifungal, Antihydrotic, Antihypertensive, Anti-Inflammatory, Antilithic, Antineoplastic, Antioxidant, Cardiac, Carminative, Diuretic, Hypoglycemic, Sedative

Herbal Preparations For Plant

00 Capsules

Part Used: Root
Plant State: Dried
Capsules made from dried powdered (part) are used in the treatment of (Ailment).
Dosage: 1-2 capsules three times daily.


Part Used: Root
Plant State: state
Preparation Instructions...
Dosage: dosage.


Part Used: Root
Plant State: Fresh or Dried
Preparation Instructions...
Dosage: 2-4 oz up to four times daily as needed

Standard Infusion

Part Used: Root
Plant State: Fresh
Preparation Instructions...
Dosage: 2-4 oz As Needed

Cold Infusion

Part Used: Root
Plant State: Fresh
Preparation Instructions...
Dosage: 2-4 oz As Needed

Infused Oil

Part Used: Root
Plant State: Dried
Preparation Instructions...
Dosage: You can apply infused oil topically as needed to soothe skin irritations. You can also follow the directions below to turn your infused oil into an ointment or salve.
Dosage: Use to make ointment or salve

Ointment or Salve

Preparation Instructions...
Dosage: Apply topically as needed


Part Used: Root
Plant State: Fresh
Alcohol Percentage: 60%
Plant to Alcohol Ratio: 1:2
Preparation Instructions...
Dosage: 30-60 drops up to three times daily


Part Used: Root
Plant State: Dried
Alcohol Percentage: 50%
Plant to Alcohol Ratio: 1:5
Preparation Instructions...
Dosage: 30-60 drops up to three times daily

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